Datonga - Martin Smalley

Datonga - Martin Smalley

Brown Dog Books
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Datonga is a science fiction adventure story which explores the creativity of great scientists. It is hard science fiction, based on time travel round Gödel loops within the known laws of physics. The power source that makes this possible is discovered by Grace O’Malley in 1984 and rediscovered in the Universal world in 3050 by Hu Song. Both geniuses show symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome and Grace’s calculations are like psychotic episodes. The ancient records suggest that Grace was murdered before her breakthrough and a mission is sent back from Datonga, the capital of the Universal world, to investigate the crime.

Martin Smalley is the author of dozens of scientific research articles and a book on Clay Swelling and Colloid Stability(CRC Press, 2006). He was a popular physics teacher at the University of York in the 2010s, and his lectures on Electromagnetism and Optics have had over 100,000 hits on YouTube. He can read all the G7 languages, and co-founded a translation company. He is an avid reader, who has loved science fiction since his teenage days. Datonga is his first novel.