This book is a light-hearted look at life in the city of Bath in Roman times, almost two thousand years ago. Back then, the city was called Aquae Sulis (the Waters of Sul). Sul being a local goddess sacred to the tribe who lived in this region. Although the Tales and most of the characters are fictitious, the general facts about the Romans are true. Details about how they lived, what they believed, their rituals, the medicines they used (prepare to be revolted!), what they ate and what they wore have been gleaned from many reliable sources. The stories are mostly irreverent because, despite the Romans achieving many great things, the people themselves could be quite obnoxious! They kept slaves, slaughtered people and animals in the arena just for fun, and subjugated other nations in order to expand their Empire. Hence, these Tales generally poke fun at the Romans, many of whom were illiterate or semi-literate which often had dire consequences, as the Tales reveal. I hope you enjoy reading about life in Aquae Sulis and perhaps learn some little-known facts and even a bit of Latin!