Several couples are burdened by the consequence of decisions made several years ago but are each presented with a choice that could correct the mistakes of the past and redirect their futures. The intervening times present new considerations that demand persuasion and concessions before the participants are enabled to restore close relationships and to regain the happiness of former times: lovers have drifted apart into lives that proved unrewarding; mature couples find added strength in a closer union; advice from an elder colleague directs a young couple into a happy future.
The coincidental theft of an Old Master from a provincial gallery creates stress and discomfort among those affected but vengeful actions are reassessed and corrected. All participants are drawn to a reassessment of past actions and to question the wisdom of hasty decisions that have obstructed their path to a happy end.
David William Paley lived in Germany for four years but now lives with his French wife in Buckinghamshire.
His other print and Kindle novels are:
The Magic Canopy, Oceans of Regret, Four Ways to Keep a Secret and Raking the Sands.
His Kindle poetry books are anthologies of French and German poems in
‘101 French Poems’ and ‘150 German Poems’
His website is www.poemswithoutfrontiers.com, which displays several hundred English, French and German poems in their original texts with his translations.